Friday, April 24, 2009

Kindle Kills Signed Copies?

In Part Deux of my electronic book blogging, I'm here to ask:
What will happen to author signed copies in the electronic book world?

Flash forward to Kindle World:
You are attending an author reading from the new bestselling author J.K. Wilson (you haven't heard of her, but she's going to be big. REALLY BIG...). The room is packed. You look at each other excitedly as the reading concludes. You arrange yourselves in a kindergarten-ingrained straight line to meet the author. You wipe your sweaty hands on your pants as the line approaches the author. You make nervous small talk with the person in front of you. You're next. FINALLY! You get to meet your favorite author. You approach, smiling cautiously, and extend your Kindle only to have her...slap an autographed Post-It note on the screen?

Think about it, people.
Kindle World.
There will be no substitute.

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